Very common and will invariably affect everyone. It is essentially clouding of the eye lens causing dull and blurred vision. Very easily treated by The Eye Specialist using the modern and advanced techniques of Phacoemulsification, which is essentially fragmentation and removal of the cataract via a microscopic incision and insertion of an artificial lens.

We offer a wide spectrum of lenses from Switzerland, UK, Germany and the USA.

Eye infections are very common and highly contagious. The underlying cause is usually a virus which disrupts the smooth surface of the eye, hence altering the conformity of the tear film and its consistency.

This will predispose the eye to a secondary bacterial infection which should be addressed promptly. The eye will produce a sticky purulent (pus) discharge, tear excessively and will be sensitive to light. This is very uncomfortable but fortunately can be remedied by the right combination of eye drops, ointments and oral medication.

Condition best described as the pressure in the eye which causes damage to the Optic Nerve. This is a potentially dangerous condition as it develops gradually and is painless. Hence, a person may have ‘glaucoma’ and not be aware of this. If left untreated, glaucoma will lead to gradual vision loss and eventual blindness. As Glaucoma is painless and usually asymptomatic, it may only be detected at a routine eye check. At The Eye Specialist, we adhere to an international protocol whenever we encounter a possible ‘glaucoma suspect’. This involves a series of tests and investigations ranging involving Tonometry, Funduscopy, Automated Perimetry and Ocular tomography.

Once we have confirmed the diagnosis, we will advise you as to the best course of management. Glaucoma treatment has advanced tremendously over the past two (2) decades. Previously, treatment involved a drainage operation. However, recent advances in Ophthalmology have enabled us to manage the majority of Glaucoma cases with a combination of user-friendly eye drops.

Known as Conjunctivitis, Sore eyes, Red eyes and Sticky eyes. Very common... but also very uncomfortable. Tends to affect one eye initially but can rapidly spread to the fellow eye. Presents with a pinkish watery eye with occasional itchiness. Usually due to a virus (adenovirus). However, most of cases have a secondary bacterial infection (Streptococcus, Staphylococcus).

Highly contagious. Very easily passed onto other family members and work colleagues. Needs to be managed by a combination of several eye drops - anti-biotic, anti-viral, steroid and preservative free lubricants. Conjunctivitis is always best addressed at the early stage.

Usually dust particle or a metal filing. Can also be a fragment of a contact lens. Although small, it is very painful.

A corneal foreign body can be easily and painlessly removed with the aid of Slit Lamp, which is a sophisticated upright binocular microscope used in our clinic. Once removed, the previously embedded foreign body would have left a small corneal abrasion, which can be readily treated with eye ointment and an eye pad.

Blocking of the natural oil-producing glands of the eyelid can result in uncomfortable small swellings within the eyelid. This is quite common and may result from several factors ranging from excess oil production, an imbalance in the oil composite to pollution obstructing the gland openings. May require a small procedure to drain the oil which is performed with a lot of anaesthetic eyedrops to ensure minimal discomfort.

Irritating itchy eyes can be caused by a variety of factors ranging from infection and allergy to dryness. If left untreated, chronicity may develop resulting in thickened eyelids with flaky eyelashes.

Although this may be considered by many as a minor problem, it can be very frustrating for the sufferer who has to constantly rub and blink their eyes. Our objective is to arrest the causative factor, be it an allergy or dryness to enable the sufferer to continue their normal lifestyle with minimal interruption.

Visual development in the child has been greatly researched over the past decade and it has been conclusively proven that the ‘early formative years’ are the most crucial and after a certain age, any visual developmental anomalies already present are irreversible.

There is no set minimal age to bring a child for visual assessment. A pre-term baby is at risk of developing Retinopathy Of Prematurity, which if left untreated, can lead to blindness and hence should have their eyes examined shortly after birth. In the era of handphones and Ipads, myopia (short-sightedness) is constantly on the rise. What used to thought of as an Old Wives Tale, has turned out to be actually quite correct. Reading in poor light and at a near distance, especially for periods of longer that 20(twenty) minutes encourages excessive secretion of ocular growth hormones giving rise to a longer eyeball which essentially is the pathology behind short-sightedness (myopia).

Occasionally, a child may be born with hypermetropia (long-sightedness). This may be a congenital or developmental anomaly and may be associated with other systemic disorders (eg. Marfan’s and Ehler-Damlos syndrome). Children also commonly have itchy eyes and rub them. This may be due to an underlying allergy or even in-growing eyelashes. Allergy problem in children are very common and are quite often missed. There may be several factors which contribute to allergy ranging from dust and pollen to pet hair and poor air filtration systems in the air-conditioning.

In these cases, it is important to identify the causative factors; address them and minimize them. In some cases, it may be necessary to commence specific anti-allergic eye drops. Please note that this will only be considered if necessary and all the short term and long term possible effects will be clearly explained. Feel free to discuss with us any concerns or queries which you may have.

The normal eye produces tears which serve to lubricate the eyeball allowing the smooth gliding of the eyelids when blinking and the washing away of foreign particles which enter the eye.

There are two mechanisms of tear production – Basal and Reflex. Basal refers to the constant slow rate of tear secretion for normal function and Reflex production is the excessive release of tears in response to any discomfort. In certain conditions, the basal tear secretion rate is insufficient. This results in a ‘dry eye’ sensation, which in turn stimulates the tear glands to produce an excessive amount of tears (Reflex secretion) resulting in a watery eye. Hence, ironically, a dry eye can present as a constantly tearing wet eye. In this situation, an accurate diagnosis is imperative in order to alleviate the patient’s symptoms.

Dry eyes can also be the initial presentation of other systemic diseases affecting the person as a whole, for example, Rheumatoid Arthritis and other Connective tissue diseases. They can also be the result of an imbalance in the tear film composition.

The tear film is a delicate balance between 3(three) components – mucin, water and oil. Excessive fluctuations between each component can result in a tear film which is viscous or watery. Viscous tears can block the tear drainage system, resulting in backflow of tears and hence, watery eyes.

It is important to manage the underlying disease and the eyes as well. Hence a multidisciplinary approach is the best avenue. We have several family and specialist physicians with whom we co-manage such patients. This ensures that you, the patient, is given the best of care. Although diabetes, hypertension and other systemic disorders will eventually involve the eyes, careful and regular monitoring can delay the progression of these diseases.

Diabetes can cause swelling within the posterior layers of the eye and significantly reduce vision. Diabetes can cause bleeding within the eye. This can be arrested and reduced by the use of our Argon Laser Machine which is an automated digital system using the modern technology available in the field of Medical Retina.

The macula is the part of the eye onto which light is focussed onto. Hence, a healthy macula is essential for good vision.

The centre of the macula is the Fovea, which is the most sensitive part of the visual detection system.

The Macula is subject to trauma, diseases and degeneration. Any penetrating or blunt trauma to the eyeball can result in damage to the macula. Diseases like diabetes, hypertension and several others can affect the health of this highly sensitive area of the eye. Degeneration is usually age related but can affect the young in several systemic diseases. There are essentially 2(two) forms of degeneration – Wet and Dry. It is possible to treat these conditions with supplements, laser, and Intra-vitreal Visudyne injections.